What to Do When You Are Bored Funny Cat Quotes

Kitten Sleeps On Balls of Wool

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Dogs have always gotten all the glory. There are books written about them, parks devoted to them, and they're known as "man's best friend," for goodness sake. But more recently, cats are coming into their own. Saddled with a bad rap for being cold and icy for years, more and more people are coming around to the furry felines. Maybe it's thanks to Instagram where cute photos of cats (and funny "cat-ch" phrases and captions) have helped turn the tide. Perhaps it's the prospect of naming a fancy cat something like Broccoli or Lord Puddington. It could be that more folks have been mesmerized watching a cat play a game or play on a cat tree—more fun than a day at the dog park, and you don't have to throw a ball a single time.

Still think of cats as standoffish? Take a moment to reconsider! You're simply witnessing self sufficiency at its finest. Cats require less attention than dogs—they're perfectly content being left alone for the day. They don't require walks (although you can take them out on a leash if you—and they—so choose). And unlike dogs, cats groom themselves, so there's no need to spend extra money on a groomer or attempting at-home baths.

With our case made, read on for 25 quotes that celebrate the glory of pretty kitties!

Felidae, Text, Cat, Small to medium-sized cats, Carnivore, Organism, Font, Adaptation, Photo caption, Wildlife,

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James Herriot

"Cats are connoisseurs of comfort."

Cat, Felidae, Small to medium-sized cats, Text, Photo caption, Kitten, Organism, Whiskers, Font, Carnivore,

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Albert Schweitzer

"There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats."

Text, Turquoise, Thread, Organism, Textile, Font,

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"Dogs believe they are human. Cats believe they are God."

Felidae, Text, Cat, Organism, Adaptation, Photo caption, Snout, Small to medium-sized cats, Carnivore, Font,

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Hippolyte Taine

"I have studied many philosophers and many cats. The wisdom of cats is infinitely superior."

Cat, Felidae, Small to medium-sized cats, Kitten, Carnivore, Tabby cat, Whiskers, Photo caption, Asian, European shorthair,

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Kingsley Amis

"Cats are only human; they have their faults."

Text, Turquoise, Thread, Font, Textile,

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Sir Walter Scott

"Cats are a mysterious kind of folk."

Felidae, Text, Cat, Organism, Small to medium-sized cats, Adaptation, Photo caption, Snout, Carnivore, Font,

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Terry Pratchett

"In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this."

Cat, Felidae, Small to medium-sized cats, Kitten, Carnivore, Tabby cat, Whiskers, European shorthair, Photo caption, Asian,

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John Grogan

"Cats will outsmart dogs every time."

Text, Turquoise, Organism, Font, Thread, Textile,

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Mason Cooley

"Cats are inquisitive but hate to admit it."

Felidae, Text, Cat, Organism, Adaptation, Photo caption, Snout, Small to medium-sized cats, Carnivore, Font,

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Abraham Lincoln

"A cat doesn't care if you are smart or dumb, give him your heart and he will give you his."

Cat, Felidae, Small to medium-sized cats, Kitten, Whiskers, Carnivore, Photo caption, European shorthair, Tabby cat, Asian,

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William S. Burroughs

"Like all pure creatures, cats are practical."

Text, Turquoise, Organism, Font, Thread, Textile,

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Sigmund Freud

"Cats speak only to those who know how to listen."

Felidae, Text, Cat, Organism, Adaptation, Photo caption, Snout, Carnivore, Font, Small to medium-sized cats,

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Lewis Carroll

"Your house will always be blessed with love, laughter, and friendship if you have a cat."

Cat, Felidae, Small to medium-sized cats, Kitten, Carnivore, Tabby cat, Whiskers, European shorthair, Asian, Photo caption,

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Jane Pauley

"Never trust a man who hate cats."

Text, Turquoise, Font, Thread, Organism, Textile,

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William S. Burroughs

"You know a real friend? Someone you know will look after your cat after you are gone."

Felidae, Text, Cat, Font, Small to medium-sized cats, Carnivore, Organism, Adaptation, Photo caption, Whiskers,

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Leonardo da Vinci

"The smallest feline is a masterpiece."

Cat, Felidae, Small to medium-sized cats, Text, Photo caption, Kitten, Organism, Whiskers, Carnivore, Asian,

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Ernest Hemingway

"A cat has absolute emotional honesty: human beings, for one reason or another, may hide their feelings, but a cat does not."

Text, Turquoise, Organism, Font, Textile, Thread,

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Ben Johnson

"Curiosity killed the cat."

Felidae, Cat, Text, Small to medium-sized cats, Carnivore, Organism, Font, Adaptation, Photo caption, Whiskers,

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Ann Taylor

"Dogs eat. Cats dine."

Cat, Felidae, Small to medium-sized cats, Whiskers, Kitten, Photo caption, Carnivore, Asian, European shorthair, Tabby cat,

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Amy Lee

"I love my cats more than I love most people. Probably more than is healthy."

Text, Turquoise, Font, Thread, Textile, Organism,

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Mark Twain

"If animals could speak, the dog would be a blundering outspoken fellow; but the cat would have the rare grace of never saying a word too much."

Felidae, Text, Cat, Organism, Adaptation, Small to medium-sized cats, Photo caption, Snout, Carnivore, Font,

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Mason Cooley

"A happy arrangement: many people prefer cats to other people, and many cats prefer people to other cats."

Cat, Felidae, Small to medium-sized cats, Kitten, Carnivore, Whiskers, Tabby cat, European shorthair, Photo caption, Asian,

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Nafisa Joseph

"I used to love dogs until I discovered cats."

Text, Turquoise, Thread, Organism, Font, Textile,

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Ernest Hemingway

"One cat just leads to another."

Felidae, Text, Cat, Organism, Small to medium-sized cats, Adaptation, Carnivore, Font, Photo caption, Wildlife,

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Edgar Allan Poe

"I wish that my writing was as mysterious as a cat."


Source: https://www.countryliving.com/life/kids-pets/g29464014/cat-quotes/

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